Wednesday, September 7, 2011

As the Seasons change, so do we.

I was watching out the window earlier, it was raining. I realized that my spider went away. There was a spider, that late spring had called the upper part of my window it's home. My first reaction was yelling out to see if the spider was in my house. When I found out it wasn't, I was ok somewhat. I watched this spider. It got to be a thing, waking up and watching the spider, catching it's prey and crawling around rearranging the web, and repairing it. So, I watched it off and on throughout the summer. It grew bigger, and done it's thing.

Lately it has gotten a little cooler. It seems that autumn is bringing with it the overdue rain that we missed throughout the summer. Well, today I watched, and watched, looked all around. My spider had left. At first I thought maybe the spider was hiding, but I keep going back, I can't even see the web anymore. I do hope the spider comes back. It kind of left a bit of sadness in my heart.

As the seasons pass things change. Like people do throughout life. Some for the good, some not so much. Like my friend the spider, sometimes you can't change the things that will happen, no matter how much you would like to see it stay the same. Lives change, and people go a different way. Spiders move on. Things will soon be cold, and you can't guarantee that another spider will come and take it's place. Heck, we won't even be here by then.

There are some things I need to do, and some talks I need to have that I haven't done lately. Things are changing, and I think it's time to send them away. They aren't good changes, they are not changes I want in my group, around my family etc.
As the seasons change so do friendships.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

What's a spell? Who's it for? Which spells work? Do they always work?

Sometimes you may sit and wonder what constitutes for a spell? Is a spell a wish? Is a spell something that witches think up, and do in some special order because each thing that they do means something? Is a spell something simple enough that a regular person could do without knowing any special charms or herbs? Is a spell something that one could ask for as a favor from deceased or the Gods? Is a spell a prayer? What is a spell?

Actually all of those answers are correct. A spell could be any of those or all of those. A spell could seem complicated and call for specific herbs, to a specific God, on a specific time of the moon and day of the week, with a special chant that is supposed to be said while burning 5 different colored candles anointed in special oil. A spell could be a wish on a falling star. A spell could be a prayer for someone or something from the bottom of your heart. A spell could be something that is asked for as help from a loved one who has passed on. A spell can be done by an experienced witch or it could be done by someone who has never before attempted to do a spell before in their lives. A spell is energy that is passed on by someone as they do anything from wishing, to a more complicated way of conjuring up specific powers and energies for a specific purpose.

Have you ever wished on a star, or made a wish after blowing out candles on a birthday cake? Have you ever done it, and wished with all of your heart, then it came true? Well there you go, you done a spell. Actually sometimes you will find that you wished with more then enough energy, but for some reason nature or God believed it wasn't something that would be in your cards right now. You still done a spell, but it just didn't work out, not all spells do. If they don't, normally there is a reason and if you take notice later you may figure out why it wasn't meant to happen.

Spells are energy, and you can send them through prayers, candles, wishes, or a long spell with specific substances meant to send out specific energy in order to make things work out a specific way. There is not a wrong way to do it. Your way is no less then someone else's way of doing it. Spells can speed things up, they can help things along, they can send healing energy to someone in need, they can help you to find a parking spot in downtown New York if they are done well and if it's something meant for you or whomever it was sent for. If tho it was something totally against fates, or the Gods no matter how much you pray and light different candles and throw energy out into the universe, that parking spot was not gonna be yours and you were not meant to get one until 2 hours later. Could be because they guy who got that spot needed it more then you did, or maybe they had been driving for 3 hours wishing and hoping for a spot to park, or maybe even tho they got that spot, it was almost a mile away from where they needed to be.

Sometimes people say a prayer, make a wish, do a spell thinking because they do this they should get this thing they ask for when they ask for it, because of how much energy they put into it. Overall as confusing as it can seem, sometimes it either isn't meant to be, or isn't supposed to become that way right now. Other times it is, and it can surprise you, the same prayer you have said before, you say it in hopes of it coming true, then viola, this time it worked. You didn't do anything much different then you did before, but now was the time maybe. Or now God felt you needed it, or now the right God got your message, Mother nature deemed you worthy. Whatever it may be, your spell worked, your prayer was answered.

Spells may work your way a majority of the time, or you may feel like the luck of the Gods never shine upon you. If you feel it's right, the right time, the right place etc., you should keep trying and not give up. Send out the energy, and hope it comes back to you. Be confident, because doing spells isn't something you do for everything, like winning the lottery weekly, or to get regular parking spots. Sometimes it has to do with how important the spell is, how often you ask for help. Sometimes some people simply ask for too much. They do not spend their energy on the right things, instead they ask for help almost daily, for everything from answers on a test to your favorite show to stay on the air, to finding love everyday. You spread your energy and your hope too thin. Then what happens if your family member is sick or your dog needs an operation?

Sometimes you need to think before you do a spell. Ask yourself, in comparison of things is this really that important? Is asking for true love to find me again today really so important? Then there is the fact that sometimes you ask for help in your spells that you could do yourself if you put forth a little effort. If you studied more instead of going out and having a good time, maybe you would have done better on your test. If you put forth more on your marriage instead of spending time convincing a partner that a swinger marriage is the way to go, then maybe you wouldn't be arguing all the time, you would be happy in your own marriage and you will find there are things YOU can do to make it better, instead of simply praying for it to get better.

Spells are not things that will fix anything, they are there to help you out if you are willing to try. They are there for those who NEED it, not always for those who USE them on a regular basis.

Spells are to be used sparingly, but don't be afraid to use them if you need to either. Don't just expect them to work the way you picture them, sometimes they work in unexpected ways. Don't just count on the spells to do all the work for you. Spell work can be done so many different ways, and don't think that one way is so much better then the other. For you, it may be, but maybe someone else does it differently. It doesn't make either way better then the other, only better for another.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dealing with Death

I have been doing thinking lately, about death and dying. Not in a personal perspective, but of other who experience it. Sometimes people think I have a really detached view of it. I have lost people close to me, and I have seen plenty of my family and even friends pass away. I have been to many a funeral and I have seen plenty of things.

I have watched my best friend die, then seen her son die almost a decade later. I have seen my father pass on when he was headed for surgery in the morning. My grandmother, who was ready for a while, I watched her fade and die. I watched my husband's mother die. I have written obituaries, and eulogies. I have planned funerals, and I have been there for people to cry to, or talk to. I have written up rituals solely for funeral rites.

It's not a detached view of death, not at all. I just understand that unless it is a personal death, there are people who need to cry, people who need to remember things. There are people who need to be held, people who need who need to talk. There are people who will suddenly feel alone, and what they do not need is someone who they feel wasn't as close to the person, crying and at a loss, when they feel it is personal. People will feel weak and alone, they need someone who is not breaking down in tears while they are experiencing this loss.

I am not saying that others who knew the person will not feel the loss. Tho someone who is or was directly involved in the person's life, a family member, a close friend, a spouse. Those are the ones who need someone, they need help coping. They do not need someone who didn't know them as intimately taking it on as their own personal loss. It's not comforting for them in the least, as a matter of fact they may find it a bit insulting. These people do need a friend, someone to talk to who won't break down. These people need someone who can deal with it, to help them to deal with it.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ghosts are Real, just ask the kids!

This may be a little off topic, or maybe not, but I have been thinking lately about my youth. I have done thinking since me and my family have a scary movie night every Saturday night about the fact that my kids don't scare easily. They have been watching scary movies since they were babies. Overall tho, they do not have nightmares, no night terrors either. They do not rush to sleep in our bed after watching a scary movie. Each one of them has a favorite tho. Each one of them also has a movie that scares them also.

Now back to my childhood. My mother didn't shelter me from scary movies either. As a matter of fact on Friday the 13th we would celebrate that as a holiday watching scary movies all day and night.I rarely had any nightmares, and to this day I still do that with my own kids, and we enjoy it very much. Now thinking back, remembering I recall what was the movie that scared me so much when I was a child, sent chills up my spine, and I still get tingly when I hear the song.

I still love that movie, and around Halloween when they try playing all that scary music, and that song comes on.... it still sends a little tingle down my spine. I seen spirits, and I still do. In a way I could relate. None of my relatives got eaten by a tree and a vortex did not appear in my room. But the fuzzy tv when I was young. I would watch it and see things moving around, like it was talking to me. I did that before I seen the movie, and of course afterwards. I wasn't afraid of the spirits I seen because it was just part of life. My mom didn't discourage it, because she let my imagination run free, she didn't always believe what I said I seen, but on occasions she did. I told her about my grandfathers funeral, how I was there, I was running around, and she agreed with me, because I described it to a tee, even tho I wasn't born until a couple of years after my grandfather died.

Scary movies are great, and I believe kids can handle them if you just watch with them, and let them know the difference between real life and what is not real. Altho ghosts are real. They are around us even when we don't realize they are. Passing on doesn't mean gone, and energy doesn't die. When my kids ask if ghosts are real, I ask them if they believe we live on somehow after we die. The answer being yes, well then yes, they are as real as you and me. They are like you and me, just without the bodies. Yea we see them with bodies, or as lights, or as a dream where they speak to us. They are real. Never doubt that, but a majority they are not here to scare us.Most of the time they would just like to tell us something.

If your child ever sees something and you just cannot explain it, sometimes there just may be something to it. Listen to your children, and let them know you believe them. If they are afraid then comfort them and let them know there isn't anything to be afraid of.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Rules to follow when you attend a group ritual

Preparing for a ritual is extremely important. Especially when you are leading the ritual. Rituals do not just fall into place. Like at churches, the preacher goes through thick and thin in order to make sure his sermon is done well enough and coincides with what is currently going on in life. Well, we have to make sure everything from beginning to end coincides with the meaning of the sabbat.

Here is some key things you should remember when going to a ritual.
1.Potluck means there will be plenty of people there. You should ask what you need to bring, and stick to it. Don't change your mind at the last minute.
2.Usually it is bring your own drinks. That means have a cooler, and bring drinks for you and your family. Don't expect others to provide for you, even if you are friends. It's not fair to their pocketbook to have to provide drinks for everyone.
3. A group Coven/Grove meeting is not a place to try to pick up on people. It is not a Pagan Swingers Dating Club. It's a nice place to get together with people of similar beliefs and celebrate the sabbat or moon or whatever is being celebrated at the time. Flirting or sexual inuindos will not be tolerated. If you cannot help yourself, then you really should not be in a group worshipping setting. And not everybody in the coven and out of the coven needs to know your sexual preference.
4. I cannot stress this enough DO NOT TALK DURING THE RITUALS!!!! It is rude and disrespectful. Overall things should be quiet. Kids will make a little noise, but that can be taken care of by parents. If a certain kid seems to be causing trouble then they should be put by themselves at a distance in a time out to scream their heads off or whatever provided they are old enough to know better. (Over 3yo.) If there is a certain child who says everyone is doing stuff to them it's usually because they are being a pest to other people, and they should be separated from other children. There are many ways to deal with children. Other then that adults DO NOT TALK unless it is part of the ritual. It is disrespectful and may result in being thrown out of the circle if it cannot be controlled.

Overall be respectful is the biggest thing. Don't expect one person to bring almost everything. The leaders really do have alot on their plate as it is. And keep your hormones in check. And be respectful during the rituals. It's not so hard, please try, for the sake of worship. If you are not there to worship you do not need to be there.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Teaching Your Children About Us Pagans

A little off the beaten path, but maybe not. Teaching children is something you do every day. If you are trying or not. For example my 2yo. calls his drink a cup. Why? Because when he would get a drink it was always said, "Get Casey a cup too." So he associated a drink with cup. My oldest we used to spell it out in front of him, and when he started talking, much to our surprise he would say he wanted a D-R-I-N-K.

I guess overall the lesson with this is that, whatever we say children absorb like a sponge. Teaching your children Paganism would be as easy as involving your children. Talking about it freely around them. Taking questions to heart.

Not too long ago my 6yo. was talking with my 10yo. My 10yo. said the rain comes from God. My 6yo. said no, it comes from Mother Nature, my mommy said Mother Nature makes the rain. He went on to explain that Mother Nature cries, and it rains. My 10yo said, "ok, that makes sense."

I guess what I am saying with this, is to take every chance you can to teach your children. It's better that you do it then others. I am not saying to absolutely guide them to Paganism, but there are people who will take it upon themselves to teach them Christianity, and try to save them from "Going to Hell". You should take this time to teach them about Paganism too. That way they know better when someone tells them what their family does is wrong. Mine do!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Praise to the blacksmith

Is blacksmithing considered a real trade anymore? It used to be. If you look at the masonic groups and such, that is how it all got started. See, it was something that recently my husband has been wanting to explore. I want him to, because I think it would be wonderful, not to mention something great to teach the children also.

Can you imagine the amazement on the faces of children as they would learn how to use and combine metal and fire to create weapons of long ago, and their own ceremonial tools? My eyes still twinkle as I watch the sparks fly as a skilled black smith works his magic and creates a beautiful utensil for either ritualistic use, or for role playing. Or just to give something to someone that is something they always wanted, but never thought they would see again. Much less have it made from scratch for them.

Black smithing is an artform, and a true blacksmith will do it for the joy of creating something with his skill, and his own hands. So this article is dedicated to all of those people who keep the art alive. To all of you who have taken the time to reconstruct things and make something beautiful from nature, using air, skill, and fire, I hold your skills high, and praise you for doing it. For those who have thought of doing it, but haven't yet I say.... If it calls you, then do so.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The true meaning of family time

Family time is very valuable. It was everything back in Druid times too. In the tribes, they were family. The elders held a very high place in the tribe, and the young ones listened and respected their elders. It really did take a tribe to raise a child back then. The women helped young girls with becoming women. The men helped to teach the boys to hunt and fish, to become men.

Now days it's not always that way. Elders blame parents, parents blame kids. I don't think it's really anyone's fault as much as the lifestyles of today. Everyone is busy, and when they are not busy it just seems like family time is too much of a hassle. I have seen that happen. Not being bad parents or anything, but really not noticing that they are not spending much time with their children. They use the excuse of no free time. That there is not enough time in the day.

These are the times that the children will remember tho. Yes, you will have free time, eventually they will grow, and give you more free time then you know what to do with. They will have their kids, and hopefully you have spent enough time and taught them how important that if for both the children and for the parents of the children.

At my home we have scary movie night. The importance of that goes back to my childhood. When I was younger Elvira was on Saturday nights at midnight. My family would either order pizza, make pizza, or we would have sandwiches and chips. We then would have popcorn, candy, chips while we watched scary movies all together and normally we watched whatever scary movie would be on after Elvira too. It stands out in my memory, it was fun, and my mom who worked alot always sat and watched it with us. On Friday the 13th we would get a bunch of scary movies, and watch them starting during the day all through the night. Recently my mom was telling my boys about it, and my boys got excited, because they knew Friday the 13th was coming up, and I had the whole Friday the 13th movie series lined up.

Every Saturday night we do scary movie night. Yea half the kids fall asleep, and some movies suck. The fact is that they know when Saturday night comes, it's something that they will never get grounded from. It's something they can count on. It's a time where even if they have frustrated the adults all of that will stop for a period of time and it will be a nice time with the family.

I know my kids will remember things we done together. Just like I have, they too will have kids and with their kids there will be scary movie night. They will remember not so much the movies themselves, but the time we have together. The fact that on Saturday nights they got to eat in the living room, and sleep on the couches, and the floor in the living room. They will fall asleep with their family, enjoying snacks, and hopefully a good movie.

We do alot with our kids. Picnics, camping out, scary movies. They go with us almost everywhere. Time may or may not be enjoyable. It will be remembered tho. They will know that each and everyone of them always will be special, and that we love them. Long after we are gone there will be memories shared about our time together. In a way our "Tribe" will live on. There will be times when they get on our nerves, but we will deal with it, not telling them to go away. Not ignoring their cries for attention.

Hopefully this will make a difference. A difference in the way they act and a difference in the way they treat people. Best of all it will make a difference in the way their kids are raised, and it will continue for generations to come.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Back to the basics!!!

Being a homeschooling mom, and finally having a little land to do so, I decided this year we would garden. I thought oh, what a wonderful family project then imagine when the harvest holidays came, and we actually had things to harvest! What a great picture I had in my head.

So then the day came, after planting some things indoors and then transplanting them outdoors. Come on kids we're gonna plant our garden. The boys come out, Quentin and Ashton walk off uninterested. Owen, Salem and Anakin take their plants, and barely put them in the ground and run off. Ashton and Quentin then complain about having the water the plants. A few weeks later I am the only one watering, planting, or heck, even caring about the garden.

So what happened? I thought this was a perfect idea. Everyone seemed all aboard until it got hot, hard and downright a chore for one person. That is the stunner, I have 8 boys!!! OK, I don't expect much from the 3 little ones, ages 4, 2 and 1. But 6 and up are not the least bit interested. It is almost making my head spin. So again, another brainstorm. I could play like that story in which the chicken made the bread, and noone wanted to make it, but everyone wanted to eat it. My dad was one of 9 children, raised on a farm and they worked on it. Heck, back then that is the reason farmers had so many children. I did not actively spoil my children. I do believe they have inadvertantly been spoiled tho.

They do have game systems, which have been cut down to Friday nights. We didn't get cable once we moved, now all we have is movies and digital channels that are local. My children are absorbed tho, in the land of television or video games.

I watched a television program on PBS the other night. They took spoiled kids and did the homeless program. 5 days and nights. One blanket, and 5 dollars for eating. I thought hmmm, that is a good idea. Because I know my dad went fishing and hunting. His fun was all self made. He played outside when he wasn't doing farm work. I do know it is a time for a life lesson of sorts. I do believe we may have a camping trip in the works.

I won't allow electronics on our camping trips. Normally it is for a night or so, but I think more if called for. Something to put these boys back in touch with their roots, with nature. I know I can do it, but for them it will be an experience. No video game talk or card games or DSI, DSILX, just them, and us.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Did Druids celebrate Summer Solstice?

When you read, you will find so many differences in what is right or wrong, so many different opinions. So how are we supposed to know what is the RIGHT way, what is the TRUE way for us to celebrate our festivals? Supposedly according to some, Druids did not celebrate Summer Solstice. But if you look at Stonehenge, dating back to that time and place, you will see they did indeed do some form of celebration, but what? We may never know for sure.

So how do we do this? How do we celebrate a holiday that we do not know for sure what they did? We take into consideration what do we know of the Druids that we do know meant something in the summer? The SUN, it meant so much to them. It meant the difference between food, living, and their Gods. It meant they were being watched over. They were alive, they would survive. Then what would make someone think they did not celebrate the longest day of the year?

So, what did they do to celebrate it? Well, what did Druids do best in their celebrations? Food, drink, fire, dancing, music, and of course, a ritual! Thanking the Sun God for providing them with a way to keep food, and keep from freezing to death. Mother Earth was thanked for provided fertility in their land, water to nourish it all, and that Green Man, for making it all Green, and keeping it that way so their homes were secure, they were secure in the knowledge that life was continuing, both human life, and that of the plants and animals!

I do not believe for a minute that they did not celebrate these holidays. Historically written down was done mostly by monks. Why would they deem holidays like this important? Oh yes, we can think of many reasons, but does it have to do with the Christian God or paying homage to their God? No, so why would it be included?

Now maybe instead of arguing over if they did or didn't, or how it was done. Instead we understand and know, there is no way they did not. Take from what we do know. And take our family and show them how we do it, similar to the way Druids may have done it. Enjoy our Summertime!