Is blacksmithing considered a real trade anymore? It used to be. If you look at the masonic groups and such, that is how it all got started. See, it was something that recently my husband has been wanting to explore. I want him to, because I think it would be wonderful, not to mention something great to teach the children also.
Can you imagine the amazement on the faces of children as they would learn how to use and combine metal and fire to create weapons of long ago, and their own ceremonial tools? My eyes still twinkle as I watch the sparks fly as a skilled black smith works his magic and creates a beautiful utensil for either ritualistic use, or for role playing. Or just to give something to someone that is something they always wanted, but never thought they would see again. Much less have it made from scratch for them.
Black smithing is an artform, and a true blacksmith will do it for the joy of creating something with his skill, and his own hands. So this article is dedicated to all of those people who keep the art alive. To all of you who have taken the time to reconstruct things and make something beautiful from nature, using air, skill, and fire, I hold your skills high, and praise you for doing it. For those who have thought of doing it, but haven't yet I say.... If it calls you, then do so.
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